The minister of Science and Culture of North Rhine Westphalia, Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, just announced the second founding period of the NRW-Forschungskollegs from 2019 to 2022. By this, also the continuation of the PhD programme “Online Participation” is ensured. On the basis of experiences from the first period, the research agenda of the programme was refined and focused […]
First Workshop of the PhD programme in 2018
The members of the PhD programme “Online Participation” met at their first workshop in 2018 on Friday, June 08. The event was mainly dedicated to discuss the evaluation of the programme in the context of a potential extension of the funding period. Furthermore some of their new research findings were presented by the PhD students.
Second practice symposium “Online-Partizipation in Kommunen”
More than 120 local politicians and members of the municipal administration attended the second symposium “Online-Partizipation in Kommunen” (online particiaption on the local level) on March 16, 2018. In several talks current research of the PhD programme was presented and discussed, as well as municipal actors reported on their experiences regarding the use of online paritciaption. Furthermore, […]
First annual meeting of the strategy network “Online Participation”
From 09 November to 10 November 2017 the first annual meeting of the strategy network “Online Participation” was organized at the Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) in Karlsruhe. The workshop titled “Online Participation in Decision Processes” was intended to promote the consolidation of a community of scientists active in the field of online particiaption, […]
Second workshop of the PhD programme
On 22 September 2017 the second workshop of the PhD programme “Online-Partizipation” was organized this year. This time the members met at the FHöV (Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung), division Cologne. Two topics were in the center of the event: As always, some of the Phd students presented their research and some results of their efforts. […]
NRW Conference on Participation 2017
Research colloquium with Prof. Stephen Coleman
Workshop of the PhD programme
On 10 March 2017 the first workshop of the PhD programme was organized this year. This time the members of the programme met in the ‘Forum des Austauschs’ at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf. Two aspects were in the center of the event: On the one hand the organizers of online participation processes were examined. In this context several […]
Knowledge transfer between academia and practice
How to transfer the knowledge generated within the PhD programme and the people in the responsible for putting online participation processes into practice was the topic of a small workshop at the FHöV in Cologne today. The plan is to offer an online resource (a wiki for practitioners) that combines relevant articles summarizing and making […]