After the pandemic-caused postponement and one year of waiting the conference on the Future of Online Discussions (FoOD) was held on 04th and 5th March 2021. The conference was jointly organized by the DIID and the Graduate School Online Participation.
First Workshop in 2020
The members of the PhD programme Online Participation came together on 31 January for their first workshop in 2020. The first part of the meeting gave the newly joined PhD students the opportunity to present their projects to the audience. In the lunch break, the four study groups of the programme which were set up […]
Fourth Annual Meeting of the Strategic Network “Online Participation”
On 10 and 11 Oktober 2019 the members of the strategic network “Online Participation” met at their fourth annual meeting. This time they came together at the Center for Digital Change at the University of Hildesheim. This years’s event was titled “Local – National – Transnational: Expectations, Potencies and Boundaries of Online Participation on Different […]
Trip to the City of Wuppertal
Today, on 04 April, the PhD students and the coordination of the PhD programme Online Participation were in Wuppertal. The administrative department “Bürgerbeteiligung und Bürgerengagement” (link to site in German) ist one of the practitioners of the PhD programme and coordinates political online and offline participation processes in the City of Wuppertal. We visit our […]
Retreat of the PhD programme in Wuppertal
On Thursday and Friday, 28 and 29 March, the members of the PhD programme met for their two-day-retreat in Wuppertal. The event was mainly adressed at the supervisors and PhD students. The focus of the first day was on an interdisciplinary basic course, which was intended to get the PhD students to know about the […]
The PhD programme visited Cologne
Yesterday, on 21 March, the PhD students and the coordination of the PhD programme Online Participation were in Cologne and visited two of the practitioners of the PhD programme: First, we visited the “Kommunale Gemeinschaftsstelle für Verwaltungsmanagement”. The members of the KGSt are cities, municipalities, and adminsitrative organizations. The KGSt supports the upper administrative levels […]
We visited wer|denkt|was in Darmstadt
Our visit to GmbH
On 07 March the PhD programme Online Participation visited GmbH in Dortmund. Our visit was the second of a series of meetings where the PhD students get to know our practitioners and become familiar with fields of practical acitvity in the scope of online participation while they are in the conception phase of their PhD thesis.
Visit to office of Open.NRW
On 26 February our PhD students togehther with the coordination of the PhD programme Online Participation visited the office of Open.NRW located at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia. The meeting at the ministry was the first of a series of meetings where the PhD students become familiar with our practitioners and […]
Kick Off meeting an election of the managing board
On 22 February the second funding period of the PhD programme “online participation” was officially opened up by a Kick Off meeting of all members of the faculty, the practitioners and the new cohort of PhD students. The focus of the meeting was primarily to get to know each other as well as getting the […]