We contribute to a conference on the state of civic participation in NRW with a panel on instances of online participation that have failed and what we can learn from them. More information available in German.
Workshop of the PhD programme
On 10 March 2017 the first workshop of the PhD programme was organized this year. This time the members of the programme met in the ‘Forum des Austauschs’ at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf. Two aspects were in the center of the event: On the one hand the organizers of online participation processes were examined. In this context several […]
Knowledge transfer between academia and practice
How to transfer the knowledge generated within the PhD programme and the people in the responsible for putting online participation processes into practice was the topic of a small workshop at the FHöV in Cologne today. The plan is to offer an online resource (a wiki for practitioners) that combines relevant articles summarizing and making […]
Workshop of Fortschrittskolleg on October 28 in Gelsenkirchen
Video: The potential of online participation on the local level
Strategic workshop “Online Participation in Decision Making Processes” in Berlin
What is the key feature of online participation in the context of decision making processes? Which gaps in research exist in the sphere of online participation? Which publication venues are there to publish research projects? Among others these question were discussed by roughly 40 scientists on October 5th in Berlin. The strategic workshop “Online Participation […]
Founding and opening ceremony of DIID
Minister for Scientific affairs visits Workshop of the Fortschrittskolleg
On June 17th, 2016 another workshop of the Fortschrittskolleg “Online-Partizipation” took place at Schloss Mickeln. Svenja Schulze, the Minister for Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia used this occasion to inform herself about the current state of the PhD projects, all of which deal with the potential of online participation on the local level. […]