The curriculum which is mandatory for all PhD students participating in the programme consists of three stages. Each stage is composed of four modules (Dissertation, Team, Key Qualifications, Research and Practice).
Topic Identification (6 months)
Module: Dissertation Conception of the doctoral project Workshop: Concepts Coordination with the mentoring team (supervision agreement, progress reports), publications Module: Team Interdisciplinary matching of the PhD thesis Participation in the colloquium (weekly) Module: Key Qualifications Seminar: Good Scientific Practice Interdisciplinary basic course Module: Research and Practice Visits of all pracitioners Participation in the regular acitvities and events of the PhD programme -
Stage of research (30 months)
Module: Dissertation Work on the thesis Workshop: intermediate status Stay abroad Workshop Coordination with the mentoring team (supervision agreement, progress reports), publications Module: Team Participation in the colloquium (monthly), participation in the workshop (half a year), participation in the work groups (as required), contribution to the Wiki of the PhD programme Module: Key Qualifications Mandatory elective course Mandatory elective course Module: Research and Practice Continuous cooperation with a practitioner and scientific monitoring of practical applications Participation in the regular acitvities and events of the PhD programme -
Completion stage (6 months)
Module: Dissertation Completion of the dissertation and viva Coordination with the mentoring team (supervision agreement, progress reports), publications Module: Team Participation in the colloquium (monthly), participation in the workshop (half a year), participation in the work groups (as required), contribution to the Wiki of the PhD programme Module: Key Qualifications Seminar: career consultations and job application training Module: Research and Practice Presentation of the doctoral project’s results to the practitioner Participation in the regular acitvities and events of the PhD programme